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526 lines
* procServer.c --
* Routines to manage pool of server processes.
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/proc/RCS/procServer.c,v 9.7 91/05/06 14:36:44 kupfer Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sprite.h>
#include <mach.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <procInt.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <fscache.h>
#include <sys.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <procServer.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* Circular queue of pending function calls.
QueueElement queue[NUM_QUEUE_ELEMENTS];
* Indices into circular queue. frontIndex is index of next function to call.
* nextIndex is index of where to put next call. When frontIndex and nextIndex
* are equal then queue is full. When frontIndex = -1 then queue is empty.
int frontIndex = -1;
int nextIndex = 0;
ServerInfo *serverInfoTable;
int proc_NumServers = PROC_NUM_SERVER_PROCS;
* Mutex to synchronize accesses to the queue of pending requests and
* to the process state.
Sync_Semaphore serverMutex;
static void ScheduleFunc _ARGS_((void (*func)(ClientData clientData,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr),
ClientData clientData, unsigned int interval,
FuncInfo *funcInfoPtr));
static void CallFuncFromTimer _ARGS_((Timer_Ticks time,
ClientData data));
static void CallFunc _ARGS_((FuncInfo *funcInfoPtr));
* Proc_CallFunc --
* Start a process that calls the given function. The process will
* be started after waiting for interval amount of time where interval is
* of the form expected by the timer module (e.g. timer_IntOneSecond).
* Proc_CallFunc can be called with interrupts disabled as long as
* interval is 0 (when interval is non-zero, the memory allocator is
* called). When func is called it will be called as
* void
* func(clientData, callInfoPtr)
* ClientData clientData;
* Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr;
* The callInfoPtr struct contains two fields: a client data field and
* an interval field. callInfoPtr->interval is initialized to 0 and
* callInfoPtr->clientData is initialized to clientData. If when func
* returns the callInfoPtr->interval is non-zero then the function will
* be scheduled to be called again after waiting the given interval. It
* will be passed the client data in callInfoPtr->clientData.
* NOTE: There are a fixed number of processes to execute functions
* specified by Proc_CallFunc. Therefore the functions given
* to Proc_CallFunc should always return after a short period
* of time. Otherwise all processes will be tied up.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
Proc_CallFunc(func, clientData, interval)
void (*func) _ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr)); /* Function to call. */
ClientData clientData; /* Data to pass function. */
unsigned int interval; /* Time to wait before calling func. */
FuncInfo funcInfo;
if (interval != 0) {
ScheduleFunc(func, clientData, interval, (FuncInfo *) NIL);
} else {
funcInfo.func = func;
funcInfo.data = clientData;
funcInfo.allocated = FALSE;
* Proc_CallFuncAbsTime --
* This routine is a variant of Proc_CallFunc. It starts a process
* to call the given function at a specific time. Proc_CallFuncAbsTime
* can not be called with interrupts disabled. When func is called it
* will be called as:
* void
* func(clientData, callInfoPtr)
* ClientData clientData;
* Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr;
* The callInfoPtr struct must not be modified!! (it is used by
* routines scheduled with Proc_CallFunc). The only field of interest
* is "token" -- it is the same value that was returned by
* Proc_CallFuncAbsTime when func was scheduled. Func will be called
* exactly once: if func needs to be resecheduled, it must call
* Proc_CallFuncAbsTime with a new time value.
* NOTE: There are a fixed number of processes to execute functions
* specified by the Proc_CallFunc* routines. Therefore the
* functions given to Proc_CallFuncAbsTime should always
* return after a short period of time. Otherwise all
* processes will be tied up.
* Results:
* A token to identify this instance of the Proc_CallFuncAbsTime call.
* The token is passed to the func in the Proc_CallInfo struct.
* Side effects:
* Memory for the FuncInfo struct is allocated.
Proc_CallFuncAbsTime(func, clientData, time)
void (*func) _ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr)); /* Function to call. */
ClientData clientData; /* Data to pass to func. */
Timer_Ticks time; /* Time when to call func. */
register FuncInfo *funcInfoPtr;
funcInfoPtr = (FuncInfo *) malloc(sizeof (FuncInfo));
funcInfoPtr->func = func;
funcInfoPtr->data = clientData;
funcInfoPtr->allocated = TRUE;
funcInfoPtr->queueElement.routine = CallFuncFromTimer;
funcInfoPtr->queueElement.clientData = (ClientData) funcInfoPtr;
funcInfoPtr->queueElement.time = time;
funcInfoPtr->queueElement.interval = 0;
Timer_ScheduleRoutine(&funcInfoPtr->queueElement, FALSE);
return((ClientData) funcInfoPtr);
* Proc_CancelCallFunc --
* This routine is used to deschedule a timer entry created by
* Proc_CallFuncAbsTime.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The timer entry is removed from the timer queue.
ClientData token; /* Opaque identifier for function info */
register FuncInfo *funcInfoPtr = (FuncInfo *) token;
Boolean removed;
removed = Timer_DescheduleRoutine(&funcInfoPtr->queueElement);
if (removed && funcInfoPtr->allocated) {
free((Address) funcInfoPtr);
* Proc_ServerInit --
* Initialize the state and the set of processes needed to execute
* functions.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Server info table initialized.
int i;
serverInfoTable =
(ServerInfo *) Vm_RawAlloc(proc_NumServers * sizeof(ServerInfo));
for (i = 0; i < proc_NumServers; i++) {
serverInfoTable[i].index = i;
serverInfoTable[i].flags = 0;
serverInfoTable[i].condition.waiting = 0;
Sync_SemInitDynamic(&serverMutex, "Proc:serverMutex");
* Proc_ServerProc --
* Function for a server process.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
register ServerInfo *serverInfoPtr;
Proc_CallInfo callInfo;
int i;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* our process information */
procPtr = Proc_GetCurrentProc();
* Find which server table entry that we are to use.
for (i = 0, serverInfoPtr = serverInfoTable;
i < proc_NumServers;
i++, serverInfoPtr++) {
if (serverInfoPtr->flags == 0) {
serverInfoPtr->flags = ENTRY_INUSE;
if (i == proc_NumServers) {
printf("Warning: Proc_ServerProc: No server entries free.\n");
while (!sys_ShuttingDown) {
if (!(serverInfoPtr->flags & FUNC_PENDING)) {
* There is nothing scheduled for us to do. If there is something
* on the queue then dequeue it. Otherwise sleep.
serverInfoPtr->info = queue[frontIndex];
if (frontIndex == NUM_QUEUE_ELEMENTS - 1) {
frontIndex = 0;
} else {
if (frontIndex == nextIndex) {
frontIndex = -1;
nextIndex = 0;
} else {
&serverMutex, TRUE);
serverInfoPtr->flags |= SERVER_BUSY;
serverInfoPtr->flags &= ~FUNC_PENDING;
if (procPtr->locksHeld != 0) {
panic("Proc_ServerProc holding lock before starting function.\n");
* Call the function.
callInfo.interval = 0;
callInfo.clientData = serverInfoPtr->info.data;
callInfo.token = (ClientData) serverInfoPtr->info.funcInfoPtr;
serverInfoPtr->info.func(serverInfoPtr->info.data, &callInfo);
if (procPtr->locksHeld != 0) {
panic("Proc_ServerProc holding lock after calling function.\n");
if (callInfo.interval != 0) {
* It wants us to call it again.
ScheduleFunc(serverInfoPtr->info.func, callInfo.clientData,
callInfo.interval, serverInfoPtr->info.funcInfoPtr);
} else {
* Aren't supposed to call it again. Free up function info
* if was allocated for this function.
if (serverInfoPtr->info.funcInfoPtr != (FuncInfo *) NIL) {
free((Address) serverInfoPtr->info.funcInfoPtr);
* Go back around looking for something else to do.
serverInfoPtr->flags &= ~SERVER_BUSY;
printf("Proc_ServerProc exiting.\n");
* ScheduleFunc --
* Schedule the given function to be called at the given time.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
static void
ScheduleFunc(func, clientData, interval, funcInfoPtr)
void (*func) _ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr)); /* Function to call. */
ClientData clientData; /* Data to pass function. */
unsigned int interval; /* Time to wait before calling func. */
FuncInfo *funcInfoPtr; /* Pointer to function information
* structure that may already exist. */
if (funcInfoPtr == (FuncInfo *) NIL) {
* We have not allocated a structure yet for waiting. Do it now.
funcInfoPtr = (FuncInfo *) malloc(sizeof (FuncInfo));
funcInfoPtr->func = func;
funcInfoPtr->data = clientData;
funcInfoPtr->allocated = TRUE;
funcInfoPtr->queueElement.routine = CallFuncFromTimer;
funcInfoPtr->queueElement.clientData = (ClientData) funcInfoPtr;
} else {
funcInfoPtr->data = clientData;
* Schedule the call back.
funcInfoPtr->queueElement.interval = interval;
Timer_ScheduleRoutine(&funcInfoPtr->queueElement, TRUE);
* CallFuncFromTimer --
* Actually schedule the calling of the function by one of the
* server processes.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Item will be enqueued if no free processes are available. Otherwise
* The state of one of the processes is mucked with so that it knows
* that it has a function to executed.
static void
CallFuncFromTimer(time, data)
Timer_Ticks time; /* Unused. */
ClientData data; /* FuncInfo. */
CallFunc((FuncInfo *) data);
* CallFunc --
* Actually schedule the calling of the function by one of the
* server processes.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Item will be enqueued if no free processes are available. Otherwise
* The state of one of the processes is mucked with so that it knows
* that it has a function to executed.
static void
FuncInfo *funcInfoPtr;
register ServerInfo *serverInfoPtr;
register QueueElement *queueElementPtr;
Boolean queueIt = TRUE;
int i;
* If the the queue is empty then there may in fact be a
* server ready to call out function.
for (i = 0, serverInfoPtr = serverInfoTable;
i < proc_NumServers;
i++, serverInfoPtr++) {
if (!(serverInfoPtr->flags & ENTRY_INUSE) ||
(serverInfoPtr->flags & (SERVER_BUSY | FUNC_PENDING))) {
serverInfoPtr->flags |= FUNC_PENDING;
serverInfoPtr->info.func = funcInfoPtr->func;
serverInfoPtr->info.data = funcInfoPtr->data;
if (funcInfoPtr->allocated) {
serverInfoPtr->info.funcInfoPtr = funcInfoPtr;
} else {
serverInfoPtr->info.funcInfoPtr = (FuncInfo *) NIL;
queueIt = FALSE;
if (queueIt) {
* There are no free servers available so we have to queue up the
* message.
extern Boolean sys_ShouldSyncDisks;
sys_ShouldSyncDisks = FALSE;
panic("CallFunc: Process queue full.\n");
queueElementPtr = &queue[nextIndex];
queueElementPtr->func = funcInfoPtr->func;
queueElementPtr->data = funcInfoPtr->data;
if (funcInfoPtr->allocated) {
queueElementPtr->funcInfoPtr = funcInfoPtr;
} else {
queueElementPtr->funcInfoPtr = (FuncInfo *) NIL;
if (nextIndex == NUM_QUEUE_ELEMENTS - 1) {
nextIndex = 0;
} else {
if (frontIndex == -1) {
frontIndex = 0;